Saturday, June 1, 2013

The beginnings…

The process of creating a g-mail and blog account was surprisingly easy. Each account was step by step processes and was simple. I thought there could have been more choses when it came to blog templates, however the simple on will do perfectly fine!
I am excited to take this course because I am very fond of art. My sister is an art education major at Buffalo State College and I am a big fan of her work. I however am not an artist, so my knowledge of art is limited. I do have some favorites like Roy Lichtenstein and my sister. I expect to learn how to understand art and form an educated opinion on a piece of artwork. I would like to learn about the different mediums artist used and the inspiration behind the pieces.
I enjoy taking online courses. I feel very comfortable that I am able to get the work completed on time. I work over fifty hours a week so there is little time in my day. I like online courses because I am able to do the work at any time of day and I feel I can manage my time better when I have that freedom. I am not the best at computers which makes online classes frustrating at times, but I am learning!

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